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Book Report Makeover: Recipes!

Each week, Education World offers a new idea to help you "make over" boring book report formats. If you're looking for a way to spice up book reports -- and truly engage students in reading -- you've come to the right place. Check out this week's makeover idea

Students write a "recipe" for a good book.

Provide each student with a sample of a recipe card format and ask students to share the recipe for a book they have read recently. Explain that each "recipe" should include the staples, such as title, author, publisher, and genre, as well as descriptions of the ingredients that provide the book's unique flavor: 1 cup of plot, 2 teaspoons of characters, 2 tablespoons of excitement, 1/2 cup of opinion, and 1 teaspoon of recommendation.

Source: A Book Report Recipe

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