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French Idioms
Word for word translation doesn't make sense? Maybe it's an idiom!

Comptines, Chansons et Poesies
French songs and poems for every occasion.

Map of Paris
Use this interactive map of Paris to travel around the city.

Easy French Food
Enjoy this French cuisine site with recipes.

Web Sites from French Classes

French For Fun
"Fast and Friendly French for Fun: A Beginner's Guide to French" is a ThinkQuest '98 project by Amy Deal, Gregory Smith, and Jaclyn Streich.

This site has many resources for French teachers.

Learning how to speak French is fast, fun and easy with video and audio podcast lessons for beginners.

French Language Course
This online course helps you understand written French (newspapers, signs on the road, etc.) and write a letter in French.

Activities and Lesson Plans

Quia! - French
Instructional French games and activities using Java

Boowa & Kwala
This bilingual site is for kids (2 -8) who want to play fun interactive games or read a great illustrated story in both French and English.

Civilisacion francaise
This multimedia teaching module about the French Civilisation was developed for the Languages Across the Curriculum Multimedia Development Project.