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April is Math Awareness Month. Why not observe the month by visiting the Ed World Math Center to find fresh new ideas for math lessons and activities to use in your classroom? Do you have a great idea of your own for incorporating technology into math lessons? Be sure to share your suggestions with your colleagues on our message boards.

This weeks featured tip is from our Best Idea Ever Library.

Miguel Guhlin What if you could broadcast learning at will to a world of learners? What if you could interact with people, not only face-to-face in your workshops, but also halfway around the world? What if your on-site workshop participants could participate in a conversation with those virtual participants? Pretty exciting, no?"

PowerPoint Beyond the Basics Lesson 10 of Bernie Pooles Essential Microsoft Office 2007 explains how to make interactive, non-linear slide shows and enhance formatting.

What Teachers Make Performance poet -- and former teacher -- Taylor Mali reads his poem What Teachers Make."

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Create a Poetry Calendar In this lesson, students research, design, and create a school-year calendar based on the work of famous poets. The activity is a great culminating activity for a poetry unit for grades 3-12.

Sports and Fitness Sports and Fitness sites offer lesson plans, fitness information, tips about playing sports safely, and answers to questions about health. The resources are appropriate for physical education teachers, students, and health-conscious adults.

A Techtorial This techtorial provides simple tips for the classroom teacher or lab instructor who wants to improve students' keyboarding skills."

Interactivity TechnoSpuds "The Shape of Things" collaborative project.

Fishbone Diagram


Tapped In Whats going on at Tapped In this week?


Doug Johnson I am not convinced that todays kids need constant entertainment any more or less than any of us do. But they are more insistent on learning that is engaging. We need to make engagement the focus of our instructional strategy improvements."

Brenda Dyck Some of the pre-technology projects weve discarded could fit into todays classroom if we spent some time pondering how one of the Web 2.0 tools could be integrated to bring it more in line with the preferences of 21st century learners."

Nancy Willard It is necessary to consider the ability, authority, and responsibility of school officials when it comes to prevention of, and intervention in, cyberbullying in each of the locations where school related cyberbullying occurs."

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Virtual Travelers Sue Bailey’s eighth graders use tools of technology for an unforgettable class trip.

Teaching Keyboarding – When? Why? How? Are you a classroom teacher who also is the classroom keyboarding instructor? Discover everything you need to know to make your keyboarding instruction a success.

Computer Bloopers The learning curve for technology has created a great deal of confusion among those struggling to master -- and those struggling to help us master -- the latest tools. Members of the Education World Tech Team share some of their funniest teaching (and learning) moments.

Total Reader: How Cool is That?

No Time for Boredom Pam Lowe keeps students on task with useful links for spare moments.

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April is Math Awareness Month. Do you have any ideas for incorporating technology into your math lessons? Join the Conversation.

What can you do with SchoolNotes? Check out Mr. Hipkin’s Fourth Grade Class News page.