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Sports and Geometry


  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Geometry
  • Grades

    • 6-8
    • 9-12

    Brief Description

    Understand why geometry is important by seeing the connections between sports and geometry.


    angles, arch, measurement, shape, speed, size, weight


    Students will recognize

    • the various shapes in sports (their fields, their equipment, their rules).
    • angles, arches, measurement, and shapes in sports.
    • the concepts of size, speed, and weight as they apply to sports.

    Materials Needed

    Help students become familiar with the layouts of a

    Note: A standard tournament-play pool table is 4.5 x 9 feet.

    The Lesson

    Arrange students into groups of 3 or 4 students. Ask each group to choose a sporting event from the list of field layouts you've made available.

    Challenge students to use the field layouts to identify geometry concepts in those sports/activities. They should identify the various shapes in their sport field and the tools/equipment of the sport too.

    They will create a miniature version of the field layout and plan a presentation that shares with the other groups how geometry plays a role in the sport.


    You might use a presentation rubric (example 1 or 2) to grade student presentations. Perhaps students will use the rubric to grade their peers and/or themselves.

    Extension activity: Discuss the importance of why standards are set for sports playing areas. Or, lead a discussion of other ways -- outside of sports -- in which geometry applies to everyday life.

    Submitted By
    Debbie Miskiel, Workman High School in La Puente, California

    Education World®
    Copyright © Education World

    Updated 08/29/2011