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After 43 years in my chosen profession, I remain excited, alive, and learning! From an active Twitter Account to blogging, from teaching Constitutional Law to Pre-AP English, from a national winner...
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Relating: Blessings to Leadership

  • I recently read an amazing piece on a blog by Shira Leibowitz(@shiraleibowitz) and felt a need to share her ideas with other leaders! Thank you! She has ten principles that can guide us as we navigate the frequently turbulent waters of school initiatives and changes needed to move our schools forward for the students!

  • 1.Say yes to those who seek to experiment and try approaches new to them, and new to the school, as often as possible
    2. Be patient with those moving at a slower pace
    3. Embrace the perspectives of all, making disagreement and skepticism safe
    4. Compliment and show appreciation for the individual contributions of all
    5. Believe in the potential of teachers and students to achieve great things
    6. Provide robust job embedded support and opportunities to learn
    7. Encourage experimentation and embrace mistakes made while learning and striving to move forward
    8. Celebrate successes, small and large
    9. Recognize when you have gone too far, too fast and be prepared to slow down, reflect, and consider approaches anew
    10.Have fun

  • What principles might you add? What approaches have you found effective in balancing the pacing of change?