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After 43 years in my chosen profession, I remain excited, alive, and learning! From an active Twitter Account to blogging, from teaching Constitutional Law to Pre-AP English, from a national winner...
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Enlightenment: Flow

  1. Flow is what MihalyCsikszentmihalyicalls a mental state of operation in which a person is fully immersed and focused in what he/she is doing. This is the central point of gaming. Flow involves full mental engagement in a process or activity. It is the ideal between boredom and anxiety or frustration. Csikszentmihalyi indicates eight components that make flow possible. Here are the eight components that align well with gamification of ideas in education.
  2. 1. Achievable Task
  3. 2. Concentration
  4. 3. Clear goals
  5. 4. Feedback
  6. 5. Effortless involvement
  7. 6. Control over actions
  8. 7. Concern for self disappears
  9. 8. Loss of a sense of time
  10. The above are the ideal goals for game design and game evaluation in my judgment. If a faculty member, trainer, or designer can provide the environment that encourages flow in a learner, then the learning leader is moving the learners closer to a state of flow.

Key Ideas that Impact Gamification
1. Social Learning Theory
2. Cognitive Apprenticeship
3. Flow
4. Operant Conditioning
5. ARCS Theory (see my last Blog)
6. Malone's Theory (see my last Blog)
7. Lepper's Theory (see my last Blog)
8. Intrinsic Motivation (see my last Blog)
9. Self-Determination Theory
10. Distributive Practice
11. Scaffolding
12. Episodic Memory