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Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Latin...


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Knowledge + Skill Meeting Student Needs...

I definitely wasn’t ready to meet the needs of my first-ever self-contained class of gifted fifth-graders. Twenty-something intellectually advanced, highly creative –and often misbehaved—students spending the entire day with me. After teaching middle school in the general classroom for several years, I accepted a position teaching gifted students.  I had no formal training in gifted education (something that the students’ parents were quick to point out during open house) but was allowed to...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Snow Factoids(An Interactive Notebook...



Gail Skroback Hennessey


One inch of water is about six inches of wet snow or 12 inches of fluffy snow.

The world's largest snowflake was 15 inches wide and...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

New Year's Factoids: Great...

Teachers: Click here for the complete Freebie (with Extension Activities).



Fun World New Year ’s Factoids!

In Russia, divers place a New Year’s tree...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

How a Gifted Program Might Have Changed...

I was tested for gifted in the first grade and placed in a pull-out program, where the teacher came (maybe once per week, don’t remember) to work with me and another student. According to my parents, shortly after, school officials canceled the program. From that point on, I participated in a general classroom until being placed in honors classes in middle school. I found high school boring and considered my teachers, for the most part, ineffective, boring, and preoccupied with their own...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Global...



Blog: Ed Tech Today

A Different Take on "Gifted"

“Giftedness is a greater awareness, a greater sensitivity, a greater ability to understand and transform perceptions into intellectual and emotional experiences”

                                                             Annemarie Roeper, 1982.


The above quote is perhaps my favorite definition of what it means to be “gifted.”  There are countless...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: With...


Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: How...



Blog: Ed Tech Today

ADHD or Gifted?

Before you refer that student for ADHD testing, read this blog.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common childhood behavior disorder, occurring in 3-7 % of school-aged children. The challenge is that gifted students can display similar characteristics as those diagnosed with ADHD, leading to misdiagnosis. Furthermore,...
