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Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: What...

"Prompted by your Global Search for Education series, a survey was designed and responses were obtained from 53 female and 78 male students at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus, with the aim of exploring gender perceptions."  --  Hector...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

15 Digital Curation Tools for the...


The #techeducator podcast was a tour de force on...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: By...

"By Schools for Schools starts from a different set of assumptions.  In essence, it builds on the idea that within schools and the communities they serve, there are untapped resources that can be mobilized in order to transform schools from places that do well for many children to...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Could You Stay in Bed for THREE Months...

Bell Ringer Activity

Ever have a day when you wished you could stay in bed? Andrew Iwanicki not only is staying in bed for one day but for THREE months! As part of a NASA program to study how bones and muscles react to long periods of weightlessness in space, they have asked for volunteers to stay in bed for 70 days. NASA has...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Talk to Gifted Kids About Social-...

A student is asked to create a bookmark that contains higher-order thinking questions. After struggling to create the “perfect” question, she runs out of time and completes only half the assignment.  The session ends with the girl in tears, upset over her perceived failure.

On the same day, another student, faced with finding common themes between texts, shuts down with frustration. Rather than cry, he simply refuses to talk or continue the assignment.


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Jeff Bradbury's #TechEducator...

This is Jeff Bradbury, creator and host of the #TechEducator Podcast. Education World is offering me a platform to help more educators learn about great edtech news and tips. We discuss useful tech features that will wow your students and make your daily life easier and we get the news to you before other sources....

Blog: Ed Tech Today

New York Skyline's New Building:...

The tallest building in the United States (and the Western Hemisphere) has opened for business. Built at the site of the original World Trade Towers, which were destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the new One World Trade Center has 104 floors and took eight years to build. Standing 1776 ft. tall, the skyscraper will have a ceremony marking its official opening later in the month. 

I am very happy to see this new building standing proudly in the New York skyline!


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Just How Do You Uplift Leaders?

A book review by C. M. Rubin

What happens when you create a productive tension between HARD (persistent, challenging, competitive, data-driven, short-term) and SOFT (creative, collaborative, people centered, organic, long-term)?

A groundbreaking new book, Uplifting Leadership, doesn’t just hypothesize that such an uncommon balance can turn failure into success, it offers astonishing global...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: From...

"The direct contact with actual physical phenomena was the key to developing science topics in more depth." --  Silvina Gvirtz


I’m on a quest to find the most inspiring school turnaround success stories from around the world. 

From Argentina this morning, I am delighted to welcome once again to The Global Search for Education Dr. Silvina Gvirtz (Executive Director of Conectar Igualdad...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

King Tut Day is November 4th. Are You...

I love all things mummies!  This past summer, I visited Highclere Castle outside of London, England,and toured the  castle and gardens made famous for being the backdrop of the British series, Downton Abbey. In the basement was also a museum to King Tut. Why, you may ask? Well,  George Herbert,  the 5th Earl of Carnarvon whose family has owned the castle for many years, funded the expedition to search for the tomb of King Tut.  When Howard Carter discovered the tomb, he waited...
