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November, 1998

Geometry Junkyard

The Geometry Junkyard has a large "junk pile" of links on the subject of geometry.

Many of the pages have beautiful geometry related images. The layout is simple and straightforward.

The site is divided into Junk Sorted Into Piles (the links sorted into several categories) or All the Junk in One Big Pile (a long alphabetically sorted list). There are no navigational sidebars, so remember to bookmark.

There is a ton of junk on this site! A lot of it may be too advanced for a regular high school class, but there is definitely plenty that can be used. This could be a great place to let advanced students go explore. This page was put together by David Eppstein, a professor in the Department of Information and Computer Science at the University of California at Irvine. Check out the links to his other geometry page, Geometry in Action and his non-geometrical recreational math page.