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November, 1998

Family Education Network
Grade Level: Parents

FamilyEducation Network contains information and resources that help make stronger connections between parents and their children's schools. The site has tons of articles about everything from child development, learning disabilities, and national education trends, to local articles about what's going on in the schools in your community.

The site is very well done, with plenty of simple graphics in an easy-to-read newsletter format.

Each page has a navigational bar at the top of the page that is ordered by topic and another at the bottom that is organized by grade level to help the user find things easily, even though it's a big site.

FamilyEducation Network is dedicated to a better future for children. Parents, teachers and administrators can all get a lot out of this site. It's chock-full of interesting articles, activities, and good ideas about parenting and Community Based Education. From the main page, click on your child's age group and then on the topics list to see the full scope of what's available. The site has an impressive list of partnerships and sponsors including numerous national education organizations. If you click on "Go Local," you will find an extensive listing of resources by state. and school district. The section on individual schools is still under development and seeking people who want to take on the sponsorship of web pages about their school. There are several lively discussion groups on a wide variety of education topics. The discussion area also has a help desk where parents can get and share advice by grade level. Be sure to participate in the online polls and quizzes about parenting and education issues and learn more about these important subjects. With over 8,000 pages available, you can spend lots of time at this site!