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September, 1998

The Write Site

The Web site is an interactive language arts and journalism project for middle school students and teachers.

The site uses animation and colorful graphics, which are slow loading. Users are given an option of viewing the site as text only. The site is laid out like a newsroom, with different "desks" representing the sections of the site.

The navigation menu at the bottom of each page has links to other sections of the site or back to the home page.

The Write Site allows users to "become" journalists. Viewers gather facts and write stories using the same techniques that professional journalists use. The project is for a middle school level language arts curriculum. Students will gain skills in reading, writing, and technology. The main section is the Newsroom, where users can research and write news stories. The section is divided into four areas with information on the history of journalism in the United States, links to libraries and other research outlets, an area with writing tips from journalists, and a monthly classroom challenge contest. Teachers should visit the section entitled "Editor's Desk" for curriculum materials, lesson descriptions, and checklists. At the "Newsstand" users can chat with other classes or collaborate on stories. This is an interesting twist to traditional journalism teaching. Language arts and English classes will benefit from the site as well.