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September, 1998

Kuban's Paleo Place

The Web site is a collection of links to resources related to paleontology and dinosaurs.

The entire site is text-based with dividers separating information. The majority of information is presented as lists of links.

The author has organized the resources into individual pages. Each section is a hyperlink on the front page. Jumps at the top of the home page let users move to each section. Every page has a link back to the main page but sites outside the Web site require viewers to use the back buttons of their browsers to return.

This Web site is a great starting point for users interested in paleontology. The site houses links to Web sites and other Internet resources with information about fossils, dinosaurs, natural history, and related topics. Some sections of the site have general information, while others lead to very specific resources. Educators can view pages with natural history museum links, educational sites, or geological resources. The section on field trip planning is a complete site by itself. Users can find newsgroup and mailing list links for contacting others interested in dinosaurs. This is a huge resource of information and a great bookmark for science teachers and educators preparing lessons on dinosaurs. Students will find a great deal of information for writing reports.