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S I T E     R E V I E W
Reviewed August 15, 1999
Link updated December 1, 2004

Can Teach

Can Teach is an excellent teacher's resource that's full of lesson plans, teaching ideas, links, and discussion lists. The site has is geared toward Canadian educators, but has plenty of great stuff for all Pre-K-7 educators.

The site has an uncluttered easy-to-read lay out with few graphics.

Can Teach is easy to get around. Links back to previous indexing pages are located at the bottom of each page. The discussion lists do not have links back, so bookmark before heading there.

If you're looking for K-7 lesson plans, then definitely bookmark this site. It's full of lots of great material that will enhance any curriculum. Take a little time to explore and you'll find a wide range of quality lesson plans and teaching resources divided by subject. Grade level listings are in parentheses after each resource title. Users are encouraged to contribute lesson plans and other resources. The lively Can Teach discussion lists are worth subscribing to; they include lists for preK-K, grades 1-3, grades 4-7, and French immersion. The site also features an annotated list of links to additional Internet resources. A great resource!