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August 1, 1999

Math Stories

Do you tire of writing math word problems or looking for new ones? Check out Math Stories for a treasure trove of ready-to-print worksheets filled with well-written math story problems.

The layout is simple, and the site has a charming tablet paper background.

The site is easy to use; each grade level has its own index page with a well-indexed list of worksheets available. The worksheets contain no hyperlinks, so be ready to use your browser's back button to return to the index pages. A navigation bar is provided at the bottom of the grade-level index pages.

Homeschoolers and elementary-school teachers, bookmark this one! Math Stories features a large collection of worksheets divided by grade level and math concepts -- and they are all ready to be printed and used! Younger kids will love the brightly colored examples used with the early grades; older kids will like the imaginative stories. Teachers are encouraged to use these handy pages and to submit story problems of their own. Parents who use these materials are asked to send a small donation to help defray the expense of maintaining this otherwise non-commercial site. A keeper!