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AUGUST, 1996


The Young Writers Club

An interesting concept with loads of writings by children.

The blue links on a bluish background make this site a bit difficult to navigate, yet it is bright and inviting for kids.

With a bulleted set of links to other pages on the site, I can navigate easily, but there is no strong hierarchy of page importance shown.

This site was created and is maintained by an 11 year old girl named Derya Davenport in Turkey, and she has done an impressive job of bringing 100's of kids across the world to write together. This site is by kids and for kids, and thus will keep them coming back for more writing and reading experiences. There are interactive storybooks where children can take part in the storytelling, there are writing "Activities" such as "Autobiographies" or "Wishes" that children submit to win "megabyte points" towards becoming "Member of the Year". Teachers and parents, point your kids in this direction to read, write, and interact with other kids around the world... and maybe they'll even get inspired by what this talented 11 year old has created.