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JUNE, 1997


Earth Cam

This website has links to webcams (generally live video cameras that broadcast to the Internet) set up around the world. The cameras are categorized and listed by subject. Links are provided directly to the sites.

The pages are simple lists of links. The links are shown on the left with descriptive text in the right column next to the link.

Each main topic page includes a search engine and subcategory links. The page generally holds up to 15 links so users must click on the green arrow at the bottom of the results to see additional links.

Obviously, the resources from these pages are slow loading but generally worth the wait. The Web site itself loads quickly and locating information is simple. This is a launching point to sites all over the world. Because the site links directly to Web sites with cameras outside its pages, the information from here is more than just pictures. For use as an educational tool the teacher would need to research the outside links before beginning as some of the sites may be composed in foreign languages. The section of "Web Cam for Kids" would be particularly useful. However, this site would make an exciting resource for lessons in geography, cultural studies, area studies and climatology as well as others. The live pictures can be updated by using the browsers' refresh button and would keep students' attention on the subject matter. Also, since the site links to other sites, the information available is seemingly endless. Some of the outside sites also have links to webcameras around the world. The idea of webcams has a different meaning to everyone and so some of the setups can be quite silly (views of the inside of a refrigerator, coffee pots, etc.) but with a little advanced preparation this could make an excellent curriculum tool.