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March, 1998


With a word list of over 50,000 words, an integrated thesaurus, and a clear, comprehensive style of displaying words, The Wordsmyth Dictionary/Thesaurus is a great site to bookmark!

The homepage is bright, with no graphics to slow down function. That's great for easy, fast usage.

The form box and instructions are readily seen, and a quick scroll will lead users to other valuable related resources.

The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus is the only electronic dictionary that integrates synonyms into definitions, while at the same time offering a word count that's competitive with other popular online dictionaries. The Web site was created as a collaboration with the University of Chicago's ARTFL project. The definitions are clear and concise, and written naturally to be easily understood. Examples are given to clarify definitions and word usage. Scroll down the homepage to find an "Idea of the Week" and a "Word of the Day." In addition, links to related dictionaries housed on the same server are provided. The SAT Dictionary will be especially helpful for high school students brushing up on vocabulary for the SAT; it lists 2,000 of the words most commonly found on the test. This dictionary's features, ease of use, and quickness warrant addition to the top of educators' and students' bookmarks.