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S I T E     R E V I E W
March, 1998
Updated JUNE, 2007

The Wars For Viet Nam: 1945 - 1975

This is a simple, comprehensive, unbiased narrative about the Vietnam Wars.

A rich, green background color is the setting for easy to read text. It is enhanced with informative illustrative photos.

There are only three main areas to this site, easily accessed and cross-referenced.

This site seeks to tell the unbiased truth about the Vietnam War by giving a detailed account of the events of this war, and by providing a wealth of war documents to support it. It was developed around the course materials for a senior college-level course at Vassar College, but would be a valuable resource for high school studies of Vietnam as well. The "Overview" page provides a war documentary, and has hypertext links to all of the supporting war documents. The text is large, bold, and easy to read; and powerful photos are used discreetly to supplement the text. A separate link on both the Homepage and Overview page connect to a complete index of the referenced war documents. It is an impressive Web site due to the amount of factual data and to the war documents, certainly something that most have never had easy access to. If you are planning to study the Vietnam War at a secondary level, this site is a must-see.