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MARCH, 1997


Ask An Astronaut

Features interactions with a new astronaut each month.

Uses colors for division, appropriate use of photos.

Left side bar found on each page, main story is centered and easy to locate.

This website, sponsored by the National Space Society, features a different astronaut each month. During an astronaut's "visit" viewers to the site can read about that particular astronaut's missions, schedule, biography with links, browse a multimedia archive and get links to related websites. Also during that time users can submit questions to the guest astronaut and have them answered! Included on the page is an astronaut archive with information on previously presented astronauts, (a nice feature of this portion is the list of questions asked and their answers). Other sections include a feature article specific to the current astronaut (and in the archives the related feature appears as well); two such articles are Mission Home (James Lovell) -- "a national public awareness campaign building public support and awareness for the role space plays in the daily lives of Americans" and How You Can Become An Astronaut (the most frequent question asked) -- a new section soon to come to the website. With the combination of images, sounds, interaction with "real" astronauts and features, this site is very exciting for anyone curious about the space program, astronauts or space flight. It's a wonderful resource for science teachers as well.