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October 2001


Prongo.com offers fun interactive and educational games, free screensavers, clip art, wallpaper, e-cards, games, jokes, and brainteasers.
The site is cute, colorful, and child-friendly, though it has banner ads. Users need Flash Player to play the games.
Even very young children can easily navigate the site. Each page has a bottom navigation bar.
Young students will enjoy practicing their skills online at this fun site. Games are sorted by age groups: 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. Very young children can practice their mouse skills by drawing their own dinosaur park or building a personal fish tank. A game of baseball, a trip to a lemonade stand, and stock market investments provide practice in addition, multiplication, and other math skills. Matching pictures to words and word finds are available for language arts. Kids who just want to have fun can choose from concentration type of memory games, mazes, puzzles, tic-tac-toe, and more. The Brain Teasers are timed quizzes that cover such topics as dinosaurs, the human body, outer space, and inventors. Don't forget to check out the Jokes, submitted by users, and the Cool Links.

Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2001 Education World