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February 2001

Brain Connection
GRADE LEVEL: Parents, Professional, Students

The site provides information about the brain and how people learn, resources for educators, and games for pre-readers.
The site is laid out in columns and uses white space and simple links to keep the pages neat.
Access areas of the site through the top navigation bar. There is also a left-side topical index.
Do you know why telephone numbers in the United States are seven digits long? Find the answer to this and many more questions about the brain, the latest news and articles concerning the brain and learning, interviews, an image gallery, brain basics, illusions, and games at the Brain Connection. Parents can read articles on such topics as child development, early reading, motivation, and more. The Education Connection provides teachers with information about applying brain science to teaching and learning. Included is the Reading Rover, a free tool for measuring phonemic awareness and language and reading skills in children. Young children love exploring the Brain Teasers with their parents or teachers. The section includes alphabet, sound-discrimination, and memory games for pre-readers. One game tests the processing speed of the adult brain. Be sure to check out the fascinating Illusions.