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February 2001

Drought: A Paleo Perspective
GRADE LEVEL: 9-12, Advanced

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) developed this site to "explain how paleoclimatic data can provide information about past droughts and about the natural variability of drought over timescales."

The site is predominantly text with a few graphics to further understanding.

Access the four major sections -- The Beginning, The Story, The Data, and A Final Word from the top navigation menu on each page. There is also a handy site map.

This site focuses on the droughts of the North American continent in an effort to provide a better understanding of the causes of past draughts and improve prediction of future occurrences. Students who are studying climate will find this a useful site for gathering data and information for paper writing. The Story explains what droughts are and why we should be concerned about them. The Data includes paleoclimatic records documenting drought conditions as many as 10,000 years ago and explains climate processes underlying those conditions.