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November 2000
Updated JUNE, 2007

Center for the Prevention of School Violence
GRADE LEVEL: Professional

The Center for the Prevention of School Violence provides information that school officials and community members can use to establish and maintain safe schools.

The site has a very simple layout that uses color and a few graphics for interest. Most of the files are in PDF format, so users must have Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.

Visitors can access the main sections of the site from the front page, but the site map is the easiest way to find information. Each area of the site has its own side menu on all pages within the section.

Much of the information focuses on North Carolina, but the site offers plenty for any school or community officials who are looking to make their schools safer. Resources include research bulletins and briefs, newsletters, and articles pertaining to school violence prevention. Administrators will want to check out Promising Strategies for Schools: Teaching Conflict Management Skills and Peer Mediation Programs (from the home page, click on the Safe Schools Pyramid, then conflict management and peer mediation). School and community leaders will find information about starting a chapter of S.A.V.E.: Students Against Violence Everywhere, including sample meeting ideas, chapter program objectives and strategies, nonviolence pledges, and more. The site also provides a School Resource Officer Web Forum.