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S I T E     R E V I E W
October 2000

Math Mastery
GRADE LEVEL: 3-8, Teachers, Parents

Math Mastery provides online interactive math activities to help students in grades four through eight learn and practice essential math skills. The math course, available for free preview, is available by subscription, but the site also offers plenty of free fun and educational activities.

Cute, colorful graphics and an interactive format make this site engaging for students. The Macromedia Flash Player is necessary for viewing and can be downloaded from the site.

From the front page, users click on a graphic to enter each section of the site. A side menu appears on each internal page.

Students, teachers, and parents will find this site useful for teaching and learning essential mathematical concepts. The activities could supplement classroom curricula, be used in the home school, or help students who want to improve their math skills. Teachers will appreciate Daily Brains. A new math problem, for reinforcing problem-solving strategies, is presented each day. Old Brains, an archive of problems, is available. Parents will find a Family Forum for discussing family math activities, Rich Education Tips, and a Family Fun section that features a weekly math activity. Students will have fun while practicing the four mathematical operations in the CyberChallenge, a timed, interactive quiz.