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Finishing the Dream
This NBC Learn video series chronicles the struggles and celebrates the triumphs of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement.
Grade Level: 5-12


"Finishing the Dream" video series chronicles the struggles and celebrates the triumphs of the Civil Rights Movement over the span of 60 years. It features more than 100 stories from the NBC News archives, including the most significant moments of the Movement, such as the Montgomery bus boycott, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, the Freedom Riders, and original documentaries featuring ordinary people who risked their lives to fight for equality. The collection is made available by NBC Learn and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
The stories are broken into 10 thematic collections including "Separate Is Not Equal," "Buses and Boycotts," and "Freedom Fighters." Each video clip is featured on a "Cue Card" that provides a description of the content, air-date information, and a transcript of the content. An embeddable video widget is available on the site and will be updated monthly with new video content. "Finishing the Dream" is made available free for classroom use or to view at home.
"Finishing the Dream" brings the Civil Rights Movement to life, so students can see what actually happened, and hear and see the people who actually participated in the Movement. The content includes events as they happened, as well as retrospectives that allow students to see and understand the historical impact. The 10 thematic collections allow teachers, parents, and students to explore the Movement from different perspectives -- political, legal, sociological, and personal. The collections can be watched in their entirety or piecemeal, so they can be incorporated into any lesson plan. The transcripts, available for each video clip, allow students to practice their reading skills.

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