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November, 2008


Annenberg Classroom
A rich resource for the
secondary classroom.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

The Annenberg Classroom is a consortium of educational projects the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC). It includes lesson plans, curricular materials and multimedia teaching aides as well as a teacher discussion board.
The site features a left side navigation menu and can be searched by keyword, subject area, or by state standard to find teaching materials. Links to the various programs are also available on the main page.

The Annenberg Classroom is a rich resource for teachers and students of civics and government. Users will find resources for teaching and learning about the Life of a Law, The Role of Courts and The Foundations of the Constitution as well as lesson plans that cover a wide range of topics such as the elections and campaign, getting out the vote, participating in the election and much more. There is also a section where field and industry experts discuss the latest research in education and offer tips for use in the classroom. The library lists all the print offerings that can be perused online or ordered and the AV room offers multimedia programs that are suitable for classroom use. From the site users can also access all the other teaching resources from other APPC projects such as, Justice Learning and others. Additionally teachers can use the discussion board to talk with peers who have been working with the projects already


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