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September, 2008

Highlights for High School (MIT)
Resources for students and teachers from the world's top tech university.
Grade Level: 9-12

This site from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides free resources for improving the instruction of science, technology, engineering and math at the high school level.
The materials are well-organized, with separate sections for teachers and students. Links to other areas of the site are listed in the left sidebar. Users can browse through the materials or use the search feature to locate specific items.

Highlights for High School is a rich resource for teachers and students. It provides free, open-source teaching and learning materials, including video lecture clips, lecture notes, practice problems, exams, and other resources from MITs introductory Physics, Biology, and Calculus courses, in addition to high school mini-courses that were developed by MIT students. Students can use the site to study for AP exams in Biology, Calculus, and Physics, apply what theyve learned to Build Stuff, Write Better, Save the World, view video demonstrations, explore the Labs, or view the competitions. Included is a section on introductory MIT courses where students can see what college courses are like. Teachers can use the resources to supplement the curriculum and inspire their students to become the next generation of engineers and scientists.


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