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March, 2008

Cascades Volcano Observatory: Educational Outreach
An explosion of resources on volcanoes; includes videos.
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This site from the U.S. Geological Survey provides information and resources about volcanoes including teachers guides, student activities, videos, and more.
The site is very simply designed with links categorized under broad headings and listed on the main page.

The Cascades Volcano Observatory offers students and teachers many educational resources for teaching and learning about volcanoes, how to become a volcanologist and how scientists study volcanoes. Visitors will learn what volcanoes are, why they erupt, how hot they are, what types there are, volcanic eruptions and their impact, and much more. The complete teachers guide, Living with a Volcano in your Backyard is a three-unit guide that provides science content and inquire-based activities about volcanoes of the Cascade Range. The activities are designed for middle school students but can be adapted for other grade levels. There are activities and fun stuff for students as well as information on how to become a volcanologist, posters to download, a tour of Americas volcanic past by state, a photographic tour of Mount Rainier and its geological history, a geologic time scale, and much more.


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