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January, 2008

Get star-bright at this site.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

This site contains useful informational articles focused on studying the stars, planets and outer space phenomena that are (according to the site) written by professional journalists and experts.
Astronomy Expert is a well organized site that is easily navigated by selecting one of the ten categories on the left side of the main page, choosing a featured article from the front page, searching by keyword or using the handy site map. The pages can also be translated into five languages (Spanish, French, German, Italian and Chinese) with the click of a button.

This site provides teachers and students as well as the general surfing public useful and interesting information about celestial objects and phenomena that exist outside the Earth's atmosphere. The articles are grouped into ten categories: Astrobiology, Cosmology, Galaxies, Our Solar System, Small Bodies, Star Watching, The Moon, The Planets, The Stars, and The Sun. The site hosts over eighty articles and new ones are added each month. Visitors to the site can learn how to find planets in other solar systems, how to measure the universe, how orbits work, how big the stars are, how far away they are, and much more. This site would be useful as an introduction for students who are beginning to research some aspect of astronomy for a paper or other homework assignment.


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