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Discovering Antarctica
A "cool" site about the land of the penguins.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

The site was developed by the Royal Geographical Society in partnership with the British Antarctic Survey and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It offers a wealth of resources and information for teaching and learning about the continent of Antarctica.
This very well-designed multimedia site groups its content into several main categories, listed in the left-side navigation menu. There are links to download the required plug-ins (Flash and QuickTime), and the site also offers text-based alternatives to the multimedia activities.

Discovering Antarctica will take your students on a virtual field trip that is as fun as it is informative. There are several sections including Imagining Antarctica, What-Where-Why?, A Changing Climate, Beneath the Waves, Journey South, Living There Today, Destination Antarctica, Under Pressure, The Antarctic Treaty, and What Future? Each section includes introductory activities, learning activities, a "cool fact" that relates to the topic, a "cool clip" video, and a glossary. Users will also find a complete list of resources on the right side of the pages. This list includes downloadable .pdf files, images, interactives, audio files, video files, and more. The teachers' area features teacher notes for each chapter.


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Copyright © 2009 Education World

Updated 2009