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December 2004

Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Biological Rhythms
All about sleep. Stay awake! Visit this site!
Grade Level: 9-12

This site is part of the NIH (National Institute of Health) curriculum series for High School. It offers lesson plans that help students understand the basic scientific principles related to the nature and function of sleep and its effects on human health.
The site has a simple design with links to the main sections clearly marked on the front page as well as a top menu bar. Navigation within each section is simplified with a left side menu. QuickTime and Macromedia Flash are needed.

This is a site that science teacher won’t want to miss! It includes a complete set of materials for both teachers and students, including printed materials, extensive background and resource information, and interactive activities. The lessons focus on the biology of sleep to help students understand the importance of sleep to our health and to understand the consequences of poor sleep or lack of sleep. The teacher’s guide includes background and implementation information, correlation to national standards, black line masters, additional references and resources, and a glossary. Lessons include such topics as, what is sleep, sleep disorders, and sleepiness and driving. Web based student activities include “Houston, We have a problem” that asks students to examine the data and determine if the astronauts are sleeping.


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