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October 2004

Disability Studies for Teachers
Resources for integrating disability studies into the curriculum
Grade Level: 6-12

The project is sponsored by the Center on Human Policy, a disability research and policy institute in the School of Education at Syracuse University. It offers lesson plans and materials designed to help teachers integrate disability studies into the 6-12 grade curriculum.
The sidebar offers access to the major areas of the site. The site can also be searched by the any of the following categories: Grades, Subjects, Eras, Disability, and Topics. Included is a handy sitemap.

Disability Studies is the "examination of disability as a social, cultural and political phenomenon. Disability studies focuses on how disability is defined and represented in society." The lesson plans, essays and teaching materials are aimed at grades 6-12 and offer teachers help in integrating disability studies into social studies, history, literature, and related subjects. The lessons are organized around themes in the history of disability in America from the 1800s to the present. Each lesson can be used alone or in conjunction with others and contains all the necessary resources and materials for implementing it in the classroom. Topics include an introduction to disability studies, a history of deaf education, a woman's crusade that explores efforts to reform poorhouses in the 1840s and 1850s, P.T. Barnum and "freak shows," and conscientious objectors during World War II who campaigned for the humane treatment of people with mental illness and others in the state institutions. Essays are available for each lesson plan to provide additional information and help for teachers who are integrating disability studies and disability history into the regular curriculum. Included is information on differentiated instruction that teachers may use to implement the lessons.


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