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February 2004
Updated July 2009

The Molecular Workbench
A simulation that teaches molecular structure.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12, Advanced

This project offers a molecular simulation engine for "generating model-based activities, and for annotating and sharing them among students."
The site is attractive and user-friendly. Necessary software can be downloaded at the site free of charge.
The site is divided into two sections: Software and Curriculum. The Software section features a top navigation bar, while the Curriculum section features graphic links.

The Molecular Workbench "facilitates student learning through the use of guided inquiry about the connections between microscopic and macroscopic properties of material." The Curriculum section includes a database of Molecular Workbench activities, which focus on topics in physical science, chemistry, and biology. Each activity allows students to "save their work in an Internet portfolio, create reports, and submit reports for grading." Students and teachers can browse the database by theme/concept or project. The database is also searchable. The Software section displays the Simulation of the Month as well as several featured activities. Additionally, students are able to create their own simulations and learning activities.


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