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May 2003

Lesson Plan Search
Links to lesson plans from many sources.
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Professional

CONTENT: is a database of links to over two thousand lesson plans for a variety of subject areas.
The page is formatted in a table that is separated by color and a few graphics. Advertisements are present.
The lessons are organized into sixteen subject categories that are indexed on the main page. The database can be searched by either following the directory of links or by keyword.

Busy teachers will appreciate this large database of ready to use lesson plans. There are sixteen subject areas available with grade level subcategories in each. In addition to the major subject areas, other areas such as rubrics, seasonal activities, technology and media, and cooking are included. A search will yield a list of matching results that are annotated and include the date that the lesson was added. Additionally it shows the number of times the plan has been accessed from the database and a rating by users. In the left side menu, users will find links to the latest additions as well as educational news, current thematic unit and the teacher forum.


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