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December 2002

Santa's Workshop
No, not a web cam, but a fun site about Santa for young kids!
Grade Level: Pre-K-2

Santa's Workshop gives kids a place to send their letters off to Santa as well as learn about the season and other fun things.
The site has a look that will appeal to young children and is available in six languages. It does run an applet that may take a toll on the low bandwidth connection.
A left side navigation menu makes movement within the site a simple matter.
Young students can find the countdown to Christmas in days, hours, minutes, and seconds at this site. They can read the Christmas story, get tips for getting on the "nice" list, learn how to pick the perfect tree, get information on Santa Claus, check on the weather at the North Pole, read The Night Before Christmas, and learn to say "Merry Christmas" in a variety of languages. Additionally, there are links to age-appropriate games and fun things to do for Christmas on the Internet.

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