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April 2002

NASA Connect
Enrich mathematics, science, and technology education.


"NASA Connect is an annual series of free integrated mathematics, science, and technology instructional distance learning programs for students in grades 6-8" that can be viewed right from your desktop computer.
The site features an easy-to-navigate format that has a nice mix of color and graphics. RealPlayer is required for viewing the broadcasts.
A left-side menu on the main page and a top menu on subsequent pages make the site user-friendly. There is also a helpful site index.
Students and teachers will find that this site is a natural for teaching and learning critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. The NASA Connect programming is available free to any school, and provides lessons in math, science, and technology competencies for grades 5-8. By registering at the site (free) teachers can fully involve their students in the broadcasts. Registrants receive program schedules and lesson guides via e-mail. The programs are transmitted via satellite hookups and PBS stations but are also available on the Web through NASA's Learning Technologies Channel. Accompanying each broadcast is a teacher's guide with hands-on activities and an interactive Internet activity. Additionally, teachers can request a mentor to help students complete the work. All the shows for the past three years are archived in the library, and there is an extensive list of additional resources.

Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2002 Education World
