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March 2002

Penguin Putnam Resources
Free resources for teaching the classics.
GRADE LEVEL: Professional, Advanced


Part of the larger Penguin Putnam site, the resource section offers free teacher's and reader's guides to the classics.
The site has a simple, predominately text interface.
Resources are listed in a topical index. Each resource has a hyperlinked table of contents.
Literature teachers will find this a valuable free resource. The teacher's guides include a synopsis of the work, teaching suggestions, and activities to be used before, during, and after the reading; extension ideas; and bibliographies. The 16 titles include such favorites as Romeo and Juliet, The Scarlet Letter, The Odyssey, and The Prince and the Pauper. Reader's Guides include "enlightening introductions that set the works within a historical and literary context." Each guide gives an overview, information about the author, discussion questions, and related titles. Ten titles are currently available, including Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, and The Age of Innocence. Included are links to the authors' Web sites and a brief biography of Shakespeare.

Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2002 Education World
