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Tech in the Classroom:


What is itA rare administrator-specific tool, EchoAge allows schools to partner with private individuals to raise money.

How does it work? Anyone throwing any kind of party where a gift is appropriate can use EchoAge to create invitations and a unique type of “gift registry.” In the case of a child’s birthday party, rather than leave the parents of the attendees to choose a gift to bring, the Echoage invitations will display exactly what gifts the birthday boy/girl will receive from their parents.

EchoageAttendees can then make a monetary contribution toward the purchase of those gifts, with exactly half of the money going to the charity selected by the parent. If a school has registered with EchoAge, it could begin receiving funds via the private parties of its students.

The platform benefits party hosts, as they know exactly what gifts their child is receiving and can use the occasion to teach the importance of philanthropy. EchoAge is also a boon to party attendees, who are often in the dark as to what gifts are allowed by parents, or what gifts the child may want or already have.

EchAge can also be used by adults, or anyone else who wants to organize a gift-giving occasion while at the same time helping a worthy cause.

How hard is it to use? Registration is simple, and the online invitation tools are intuitive and easy to use.

How well does it work? Very well. The monetary transactions are simple to track. The best part is that it doesn’t cost a thing to register.

How do I use it in the classroom? While not a classroom tool, EchoAge can help administrators boost school funding. All a principal has to do is register as a charity and spread the word to parents and the community at large. Considering the small time investment needed, any money made would constitute a good return.

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Read about other products featured in the Tech in the Classroom series.

Tech in the Classroom is a recurring feature that examines widely available technology, software and gadgets and how they might be used in a school setting.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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