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Sites to See:
Solar Eclipse

Education World's Sites to See articles highlight Web sites to help educators work timely themes into their lessons. This week, discover a variety of sites for teaching about solar eclipses.

On March 29, 2006, a total eclipse of the Sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor that begins in Brazil and extends across the Atlantic, northern Africa, and central Asia, ending in western Mongolia. A partial eclipse will be visible in a much broader area, including the northern two thirds of Africa, Europe, and central Asia. These sites offer facts, lessons, and other resources you can use to prepare students for this astronomical event.

Solar Eclipses for Beginners
Do you know what the moon's penumbral shadow is? What the path of totality is? Do you know what effect the orbit of the moon has on an eclipse? If not, you'll find out here -- what's more, you'll understand it! This complete primer on solar eclipses provides a clear explanation of solar eclipses, illuminating illustrations, and lots of links to additional information.

NASA Eclipse Home Page
These pages, part of the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center site, provide maps and detailed descriptions of every solar and lunar eclipse from the partial solar eclipse in April of 2004 through the annular solar eclipse predicted for September, 2006. The site includes the World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Maps.

How to View an Eclipse
This page, part of the Exploratorium's solar eclipse site, provides illustrated, step-by-step directions for making a pinhole projector. If you don't have the materials for the pinhole projector, you might try making a Pinhole Viewer instead.

Modeling Eclipses
In this activity, designed by Dennis Schatz of the Pacific Science Center, students use Styrofoam balls, light bulbs, and their own heads to understand how eclipses work.

Eclipse Quiz Eclipse Quiz
When all is said and done, invite students to take this interactive quiz on solar eclipses from Infoplease.


Article by Linda Starr
Education World®
Copyright © 2006 Education World

Updated 02/27/2006