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Site Review: Tomorrow’s Engineers

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Content: Tomorrow’s Engineers offers information and resources about the amazing careers available in the field of engineering.

Design: Engineers tend to be on the cutting edge of technology, and the site’s design conveys that. Plenty of “hip” fonts and interesting image angles attract visitors’ attention. The site does a good job of balancing the atypical layout with logically placed and easy-to-read text.

tomorrows engineersReview: Tomorrow’s Engineers comes from EngineeringUK and the Royal Academy of Engineering. As such, the information it offers on education requirements and salaries is specific to the UK. There are, however, a few basic resources that would be useful for students in the U.S. These materials are aimed at young people (ages 9-16) and their teachers.

On the Students page, most of the FAQs still apply. Just steer clear of ones that involve college education/apprenticeships, earnings and specific professional levels/certifications. Below the FAQs are useful descriptions of what different types of engineers do.

The explanation of terms is helpful for students considering engineering careers, and the case studies present the engaging stories of individuals in various engineering fields. Make sure to preview case studies before showing them to students, since information regarding educational preparation may differ from how things work in the U.S. Likewise, examine the site’s Resource Pack carefully before ordering to make sure these printed materials will meet your classroom needs.

Bottom Line:  Math and science teachers, as well as administrators and guidance counselors, would do well to visit Tomorrow’s Engineers.

Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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