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Site Review: School Safety and Security Services

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Content:  National School Safety and Security Services is a consulting firm specializing in school security assessments, school safety and school emergency/crisis training, school crisis planning and emergency plan evaluations and related school safety consultant services for K-12 schools.

Design:  Using a hard font and minimal imagery, the site doesn’t look pretty. The result is that users find themselves reading faster to get to a new section. Appearance aside, SchoolSecurity is set up well, with a dedicated area reserved for each of the specific security themes.

The left and right navigation blocks are extremely handy and provide users with a complete “bird’s-eye view” of the site. From these, one can immediately leap to just about any area of the site.

Review:  National School Safety and Security Services is a private, independent school safety consulting firm. In this capacity, the company offers a variety of services to schools across the country.

In addition to security services, SchoolSecurity provides a solid collection of security-based tools and information. Administrators can find everything here from emergency evacuation plans and terrorism preparedness tips to crisis tabletop exercises and school gang training.

All of the materials avoid without technical jargon. SchoolSecurity cuts to the chase, providing useful advice such as “Maintain a proactive effort of visitor access and control. Reduce the number of doors accessible from the outside to one designated entrance.”

Bottom Line:  Whether you’re looking for a security expert to address your school’s needs, or just want some great information regarding crisis situations, SchoolSecurity can help.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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