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Site Review: Natl. Assoc. Secondary School Principals

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Content:  The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) provides administrators with professional, research-based and peer-tested resources, along with practical tools and materials.

Design:  Professional and clean best describe the NASSP site. The main navigation is oversized and easy to use, and handy drop-downs offer a more refined path to content. A prominent scroller displays the most recent articles, while the remaining links and page elements appear in logical, dedicated areas on the page.

nasspReview:  In existence since 1916, NASSP is the preeminent organization of—and national voice for—middle-school and high-school principals, assistant principals and aspiring school leaders from the United States and around the world. NASSP’s mission is to promote excellence in school leadership.

To that end, the organization offers a wealth of tools, many of which can be found on its Web site. A news area provides topical stories, and the publication section grants access to award-winning periodicals such as Principal’s Research Review and Middle Level Leader. In addition to the textual content, NASSP also offers a series of podcasts designed to improve administrator professional development.

While some of these tools are only available in their full form to paying members of NASSP, snippets, or thumbnail versions, are available for free.

Resources for paying members include events, tools for improving school climate, administrator and staff professional development materials, and ideas for legislative activism.

Bottom Line:  A catchall for middle and high-school principals comes with a price tag, but it is one worth paying.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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