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Site Review: Connected Principals

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Content:  This blog represents the shared thoughts of school administrators who want to share best practices in education. The authors have different experiences in education, but all have the same goal: doing what is best for students.

Design:  While the site’s gray color scheme does little to impress, its design does function extremely well. The main navigation bar provides quick access to key areas of the site, and links appear to be well maintained.

connected principalsReview:  The real value here is the content. Connected Principals represents not the singular voice of one group, but the ideas and insights of many administrators. The result is a wide range of opinions and strategies that readers can use to improve the classroom experience. Helpful article formats, such as “4 tips for X” or “6 ways to maximize Y,” abound.

Bottom Line:  Connected Principals is an excellent source for a multitude of ideas and opinions, all with the best interests of students in mind.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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