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Site Review: CoachingWorld

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Content:  Created and maintained by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the site’s goal is to advance the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of credentialed coaches.

Design:  The site is clean and pleasant-looking. The soft color palette and images are easy on the eye, if non-descript. All of the links work as they should, particularly the one that directs users to the online magazine. Users can navigate through the magazine by clicking the navigation arrows on either side of the page. The whole interface works smoothly, while maintaining the original site in the background for easy referral.

coaching worldReview:  Published quarterly, Coaching World focuses on industry news, ranging from interviews with coaching thought leaders to case studies on how organizations are using coaching successfully. Educators and athletics supervisors should be aware that the ICF does not limit the definition of the word “coach” to athletic endeavors. Rather, the group uses the term broadly to cover a wealth of fields and occupations. This means that math and language teachers can benefit from the site’s offerings just as much as football and basketball coaches. The underlying theme of the ICF and its site is that coaching equals teaching.

The ICF and its publications are geared specifically to individuals who aspire to be personal coaches, working independently. As such, the site’s articles and tips center on finding clients and starting a business. The keen-eyed educator can, however, apply ICF materials to the classroom. Tips on overcoming challenges and articles on coaching trends, as well as advice for dealing with difficult clients, are all applicable to the teaching profession. Simply replace “clients” with “students,” and you’ve got a very handy article.

Bottom Line:  Much of what makes a good coach also makes a good teacher. That fact should put Coaching World on any educator’s radar.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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