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iPad App Review: PaperDesk

App Name:  PaperDesk

Cost:  $1.99

What does it promise? This app, according to its maker, Webspinner, “is the best way to take notes without using a pen and notebook. PaperDesk Pro is a fun, easy-to-use notebook replacement made specifically for the iPad. Write and type on the same page, with a huge selection of colors and font styles. Record audio, add images with your iPad’s camera, and sketch, all on the same page.”

PaperDesk allows users to keep a digital notebook or notebooks and lets them take notes by writing directly on their iPad screen—nothing revolutionary, but definitely useful. Basically, the app works like a pad of paper, while offering all the functionality of an iPad. The app also provides a voice recording option and the option of using the built-in on-screen keypad or an external one.

Does it deliver?  It’s not fancy or particularly novel functionality, but PaperDesk does what it promises to do. It’s a great, cheap tool for educators and students seeking more organized notes. The app’s functionality is also structured in a way that prevents users from feeling lost or overwhelmed.

Can I use it in my classroom?  Though note-taking could be accomplished in many ways, PaperDesk offers a method of organization, and that will help teachers and students.

Related resources

Explore the use of the iPad App Store in the classroom.
See additional EducationWorld reviews of iPad apps.
See other product reviews in our Tech in the Classroom archive.


Article by James Drzewiecki, EducationWorld Contributor
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