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iPad App Review: DIY

Name: DIY

Cost:  Free

What does it promise?  DIY promises to help users learn any skill and complete easy, cheap projects. Users can meet others with the same passions and then share their ideas. 

Does it deliver?  The app offers a number of different resources for developing new skills and tackling thousands of different projects. Skills include everything from hardware hacker and gamer to farmer, fashion designer and skater.

How can I use it in my classroom?  DIY gives teachers hundreds of options for simple projects to complete with students. The app also offers tips on teaching new skills. Students can even use DYI outside of class. 

Related resources

Explore the use of the iPad App Store in the classroom.
See additional EducationWorld reviews of iPad apps.
See other product reviews in our Tech in the Classroom archive.

Article by Kassondra Granata, EducationWorld Contributor
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