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econ ediPad App Review: Econ Ed


App Name: Econ Ed

Cost: Free   

What does it promise?  The Econ Ed Mobile app allows students, educators, consumers or anyone interested in improving his or her economic and personal finance knowledge to gain a better understanding of how inflation and the cost of credit can affect spending and saving decisions. 

Does it deliver? The app works as advertised. Students can investigate the cost of goods and services purchased in one year compared with another year. There are interactive graphs to compare inflation rates at various points in our nation’s history. The app also lets students examine how interest rates, monthly payments and time can affect the overall cost of using credit.

With several games native to the app, Econ Ed is not all business. Students can play two challenge games to see how well they estimate the cost of credit and the price of goods and services over time.

Can I use it in my classroom?  Completely useful in any grade-appropriate math class, Econ Ed can also be used to supplement history or current events classes..

All apps can be found in the iPad apps store under education.

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Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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