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Android App Review: It’s Tyrannosaurus Rex

App Name: It's Tyrannosaurus Rex

Cost: $2.99  

What does it promise?  Soundprints and the Smithsonian Institution recreate a bygone world and give students a glimpse into the life of this incredible creature.

t-RexDoes it deliver? Amazing graphics and powerful sound effects make students feel like the exciting adventures of the prehistoric age are happening right outside classroom door. This title is carefully reviewed by paleontologists at the Smithsonian Institution and provides fascinating information about the dinosaur.

New features only available in this interactive omBook for an Android device include professional narration, background audio and enlarged artwork for each scene. To promote reading in young children, individual words are highlighted as the story is read, and words zoom up when pictures are touched. By combining the original text and artwork with features that educate, entertain and promote reading, this omBook appeals to readers of all ages.

Can I use it in my classroom?  Especially for younger students, this title is the perfect companion to any dinosaur lesson.

All Android apps can be found in the Google Play app store.

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Explore the use of the iPad App Store in the classroom.
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Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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