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iPad App Review: Atlas by Collins

App Name: Atlas by Collins

Cost: $6.99  

What does it promise?  Students encounter seven interactive globes arranged by theme. Themes include Energy, Communications, Population, Environment, Political, Physical and Satellite.

Atlas by CollinsDoes it deliver? In a big way. There’s just so much packed into this app that it can be tough for users to decide which globe and feature to explore first. Science teachers can use Atlas to teach about the impact of human life on the natural world, while social studies educators can use the same globe to look at how countries compare on environmental issues such as pollution and forest loss.

The level of information here is really astounding. Examples include in-depth country profiles for every nation on Earth; statistics about the people who inhabit the world, including population trends, migration, and birth and death rates; current states and territories, political and economic alliances, and historical maps showing the effects of exploration, colonialism and conflict.

Discover the detail behind countries in the news, enhance your studies or presentations and explore the planet on a selection of interactive globes. As the world evolves, so does the app, and new globes will become available through Atlas’ in-app store.

Because of the amount of information within the app, six of the globes will need to be downloaded after purchase (using a good Wi-Fi connection is highly recommended).

Can I use it in my classroom?  Regardless of the type of class you teach, Atlas by Collins will make the perfect addition.

All apps can be found in the iPad apps store under education.

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Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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