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Great Sites for Teaching About... Australia

Great Sites Center

Education World's Great Sites for Teaching About... page highlights Web sites to help educators work timely themes into their lessons. Internet educator Walter McKenzie selected the sites listed here, which are among the best on the Web for teaching about Australia.


  1. A Guide to Australia
    A Guide to Australia is a cleanly formatted site that offers information about Australia's six states and two territories. A clickable image map leads visitors inside the site's offerings, or users can click on the koalas to learn more about culture, geography, government, tourism, education, travel, communication and more. Each page opens to a hot list of Aussie sites on the specified topic, and the 2000 Olympics page is a virtual directory of resources.
  2. All Recipes.Com
    This section of the famed All Recipes site presents favorite dishes from Australia and the South Pacific. Teachers might adapt a number of the recipes here for classroom study of the land down under. Consider Australian toaster biscuits, lamingtons, and sticky toffee pudding cake! Interesting facts about the recipes, links for metric conversion, and tools for making more or fewer servings make this site worth your consideration!
  3. Trishan's Oz
    Trishan Ponnamperuma is a 14-year-old Australian who developed this award-winning site to share information about his country with the rest of the world. The site is a natural for teachers who want to introduce their students to an Australian kid. Animals, places, history, and fun facts are just a few of Trishan's categories. He posts plenty of pictures, includes a good site index, and offers sidebars on many of the pages. For example, from the page on coral reefs, visitors who answer yes to the question "Would you like to see some really unusual Australian animals?" can do just that. Teachers may want to take the opportunity to point out differences between British and American spelling.
  4. Zoom School
    Enchanted Learning hosts this fact-filled site for elementary-aged kids. Information covered includes the flag, geography, art, and animals. The section on Australian dinosaur fossils is sure to be a kid-pleaser, and the games and interactive quiz will help keep kids coming back to learn more. Teachers may appreciate the archive of more than 100 Australian folk songs.
  5. Oz Kidz Internaut Cyber Centre
    This homegrown Australian kids site is full of information for children around the world. The meat of the site consists of internal links to indigenous cultures, Aussie holidays and special events, nature, and Web page tools. There are links for teachers to special education and early-childhood resources as well as materials for teaching English as a second language. Visitors may find a few broken links among so many, so users need to take their time while sifting through the site.
  6. Thematic Units - Australia

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Walter McKenzie
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Updated 04/14/2014